Nov 28, 2016


A pregnant cop in Minneapolis unravels a plot a spun and then respun by three inept criminals.  Fargo is the most amazing film based on a true story that is not really a true story to have ever been made by the Coen Brothers!  Brandon Beardslee sits in one more time to help Biggs figure out how times "yah" was said, Paul Bunyon's mystical connection to the film, and how Frances McDormand's breast exploded.  And exactly how many pigs are in this film?

Aug 18, 2016

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

There is no action film more beloved or influential than this Steven Spielberg film written by George Lucas and Lawrence Kasden. We jump into this classic and dish on exactly how many snakes are in the pit, what really happened with the infamous pistol in a swordfight, how it was almost rated R, the massive amounts of scene that became Temple of Doom and The Last Crusade, racism in the writer's room, Toht's machine gun arm, and so much more. Brandon Beardslee sits in again for this commentary that you don't necessarily need to watch the movie to follow along.

Jan 20, 2016

The Princess Bride (1987)

A grandfather reads his sick grandson a story about fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles.  It doesn't sound too bad?  Joining Biggs on this episode is Brandon Bear Beardslee of the Montucky Skies podcast in a commentary that you don't need to be watching the movie to enjoy.


A pregnant cop in Minneapolis unravels a plot a spun and then respun by three inept criminals.  Fargo is the most amazing film based on a...